St.Petersburg Pier Florida by Michael Maltzan
美国佛罗里达州圣彼得堡码头复兴设计,base在洛杉矶的无名设计事务所Michael Maltzan Architecture击败众强包括BIG赢得比赛,他们的项目名称为“Lens透镜”。客观地说这个方案更经济,没有哗众取宠的夸张造型,更是保留了原码头的基础建筑,并创造性地构建了一个水下花园。

Visible from afar, it is a crown on the skyline and a marker within the daily life of St. Petersburg. Like a magnifying glass on the water, the Pier is a lens back to the city, and a window into the underwater world beneath. Twin bridges extend out and back, no longer unidirectional, but instead a circuit, allowing for a diversity of experience reflecting a more reciprocal relationship between the Pier and the surrounding waterfront.