Kaico Series by Koizumi Studio
Created by Japanese designer Makoto Koizumi, the Kaico is a series of simple but high-quality
Created by Japanese designer Makoto Koizumi, the Kaico is a series of simple but high-quality
The Agma Trivets by UK-based Swiss designer Valentin Bussard are made of ash wood and
Trace face is a product developed with a mold craftsman in Seto city. By making
With Milk is a complete porcelain set inside a bottle designed by Steve Gates. This
Designed in Japan by Shinichiro Ogata, Wasara is a single-use tableware with elegant forms naturally
This ‘Soil Cutlery’ set of silverware was designed by Vladimir Rachev, that look like gardening
Rainer Spehl is a german designer works hands-on in furniture, interior and exhibition design. This
这组雕塑而成的木头厨具由Joshua Vogel带来,这些艺术品我是不忍心去用的。 blackcreekmt.com
很可爱的绵羊碗状量杯,一套5枚,可惜已经停产(Urban Outfitters)。
Leis是木制厨具品牌,第一款产品是叉勺铲三件套,一头榉木一头集成了磁铁可以方便吸附,designed by Gigodesign leis.si gigodesign.com
一组很漂亮的木制厨具,沙拉工具以及铲子等,我只想到一个字:朴。 Sources: kibisi.com muuto.com
Good morning咖啡壶,Anderssen & Voll是Food Work受邀的8位挪威设计师中的一个。 sources: http://foodwork.no/ http://www.anderssen-voll.com/
Cupa-glass series的灵感来自于佛罗伦萨的一个小酒馆,设计者Cupa-glass series,也是Sempli的拥有者。 source:http://www.sempli.com
mare tranqullitatis是从月球陨石中获得灵感,若干个凹陷的设计可以同时防止多种蔬果。 采用白色意大利细花白-C大理石,故意留下了机械加工的痕迹。 source:http://www.shiro-studio.com/
Pylones是来自法国的礼品和家居用品设计师店。在澳大利亚悉尼店是他们的第一家专卖店。在店里的每个小东西都是原创独特的设计。 这款天使翅膀马克杯令人爱不释手。 source:http://www.pylones-australasia.com