MahaNakhon / Ole Scheeren
MahaNakhon, a residential and hotel tower designed by internationally celebrated German architect Ole Scheeren, partner
MahaNakhon, a residential and hotel tower designed by internationally celebrated German architect Ole Scheeren, partner
Archipelago Cinema is a collaboration between Ole Scheeren and the Film on the Rocks Yao
就在吉隆坡双子座对面,Angkasa Raya 以其复杂的摩天大楼结构而注定要抢双子座的风头。设计师 Ole Scheeren 因中国中央电视台(CCTV)办公大楼而在亚洲名声大噪。Angkasa Raya独特之处在于近300米高的大楼底部和中间都是镂空的,中间是空中花园无边泳池,底部是螺旋车道和商业区。