LUMO Arkitekter Shelters Blå Støttepunkter i det Sydfynske Øhav omfatter opførelsen af 47 shelters placeret på 17 forskellige lokaliteter fordelt i de fire sydfynske kommuner: Faaborg Midtfyn, Svendborg, Ærø og Langeland Kommune. 47 shelters, 5 typer: skrubben- havtasken-stenbideren-hornfisken-ålekvabben, 17 lokaliteter
Shelter ideas / Blue landmarks by Lumo Arkitekter
Located along the South coast in the Fyn Archipelago, from West of Faaborg to the Northeast of Svendborg, Danish firm Lumo Arkitekter built a series of exclusively designed shelters.
Architects: Lumo Arkitekter
Location: Faaborg Midtfyn, Denmark
Photography: Courtesy of Lumo
The shelters are available to all and all year round in all hours, it will act as stay and break places, sleeping facilities.
The 19 unique location are carefully selected according to the Outdoor Strategy, and adapted to the surroundings, in order for it to be perceived as a precise and iconic landmark that does not distort or interfere with the site’s particular qualities and landscape.
Each site consists of either an individual shelter or a smaller group of various shelters – a total of 50 shelters, which alone or in combination reinforce the experience of and close proximity to the coastal areas.
The overall architectural concept has been to create 5 different building types, the inspiration for the design of the various shelter types originates from the old-fashioned Livewell, where the fishermen stored their catch.
Monkfish – with its 3 levels and integrated bird-watching platform.
Garfish – a 6-7 person overnight shelter that doubles as picnic space for school classes.
Lumpfish – a 3-5 person overnight shelter with stay and sauna space.
Flounder — a 2 person overnight shelter.
Eelpout – which functions as the lavatory.
The shelters appear as asymmetrical bodies with angled lines and are covered with large wood chips treated with black-pigmented wood tar oil.