Cloudy House by Takao Shiotsuka Atelier

Located in the suburbs of Oita-city, the Cloudy House is a flat building with an iconic gable roof and a huge burrow terrace on the roof, all rooms are filled with light also from the skylight on the roof.

The bookshelf on side of the staircase is impressive, it’s a dream house private library!

Architects: Takao Shiotsuka Atelier
Location: Oita, Japan
Photography: Toshiyuki Yano

Inspiration from architect:

Moreover, a sense of existence as the material object in the building is made to come to the surface. We tried to produce the opened state by suppressing a private element as the house on the design. Each room is a composition combined with the complexity by the courtyard of the weather-beaten and the shape of cross section of the gable type. This indoor variety also produces the state that opens in the meaning with abundant choices of the experience. When, by a hue and feel of a material of the appearance, a building almost vanishes for cloudy sky, A characteristic as “open state” appears most.